Withdrawn Guidance Documents

Bulletin Number


Issue Date

CB 1 Not Printed N/A
CB 2 Not Printed N/A
CB 3  Wage-Price Guidelines (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 4 Motorcycle Liability Insurance for Passengers January 4, 1999
CB 5 Not Printed N/A
CB 6 Not Printed N/A
CB 7 Not Printed N/A
CB 8  Automobile Liability - Notice of Cancellation or Nonrenewal (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 8A  Change in Authorized Lines of Insurance on Certificate of Authority (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 9  Flat Dividend Plans, Participating Dividend Plans and Retention Plans (Not Printed) March 27, 2001
CB 10  Temporary Licenses for Life and/or Health Insurance (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 11  Automobile Liability - Notice of Cancellation or Nonrenewal (Not Printed) January 4, 1999
CB 12  Credit Life Insurance Allowable Rates (Not Printed) February 7, 1994
CB 13  Advertising Health and Accident Insurance (Not Printed)  January 10, 1994
CB 14  Contents In Reply to Department Complaint (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 15  Waiver of Collision Deductible (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 16  Guidelines for Acquisition Cost Reductions (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 17  Safety Group Plans (Not Printed)  January 10, 1994
CB 18  Solicitation of Credit Insurance (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 18A  Credit Life, Credit Accident and Health and Credit Property Insurance (Not Printed) January 4, 1999
CB 19  Policy Forms with Special/Nonstandard Mortgage Clause Filing with Department (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 20  Policy Endorsement (Not Printed) June 8, 2006
CB 21  Group Life and Health Insurance Plan for State Employees (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 22 Title Insurance Companies, Mortgage Policies, Fees October 2, 2017
CB 23 Definition of Physician to Include Clinical Psychologist (Not Printed)  
CB 24  Suretyship Agreements Between Title Insurance Companies and Lending Institutions Prohibited (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 25 Not Printed N/A
CB 26 Agency Billed Renewals  May 18, 1994
CB 27  Reinsurance Contracts Prohibited By Law (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 27A  Unfair Practices (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 27B  Credit Life and Credit Accident and Health Insurance - Compensation in Excess of the 33 1/3% Limitation (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 28  Deduction of Overpayments from Future Claims (Not Printed)  January 10, 1994
CB 29  Replacement of Life Insurance (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 30  New Rule Numbering System (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 31A  Disclosure of Social Security Account Numbers on Annual Statements Filed with the Insurance Director of the State of Nebraska, Public Law Number 93-579 (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 31B  Public Law Number 93-579 (Disclosure of Social Security Account Numbers on an Application for a Producer's License (Not Printed) January 4, 1999
CB 32  Coverage for CB Radios (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 33  Qualifying Examination for a License to Write Homeowners Multiple Peril Policies in Nebraska (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 34  Schedule for Agent's Qualification Examinations for 1977 (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 35 Not Printed N/A
CB 36  Legislation Relating to Licensing of Agents and Brokers Passed by the 1977 Session of the Nebraska Legislature (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 37  Products and Completed Operations Liability Insurance Availability Plan (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 38 Schedule of Fees July 26, 2019
CB 39  Joint Credit Life Insurance (Not Printed) January 4, 1999
CB 40 Underwriting Refusals Based Solely on Previous Non-Renewal, Rejection or Cancellation of Property and Casualty Insurance May 18, 1994
CB 41  Products and Completed Liability (Statistical Data Requirements) (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 41A  Clarification of CB-41 Products and Completed Liability (Statistical Data Requirements) (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 42  Writing Private Passenger Automobile Insurance (Not Printed) June 8, 2006
CB 43 The Marketing and Issuance of Accident and Health Insurance to the Elderly (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 44 Title Insurance Statistical Reporting January 10, 1994
CB 45 Assessment Companies - Limit on Assessments December 19, 1978
CB 46 Implementation of President Carter's Anti-Inflation Program with Respect to Insurance Industry Prices and the Council on Wage and Price Stability (COWPS) Voluntary Standards to be Applied (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 47 Revisions in the NAIC Program to Implement the President's Anti-Inflation Program (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 48 Property and Casualty Study Manual (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 49 Payment of Special Costs on Property Losses June 8, 2006
CB 50 Filing Procedures for Property and Casualty Insurance Companies April 1, 2013
CB 51 Use of Nebraska Company and NAIC Numbers May 18, 1994
CB 52 Application of SS 44-1633 and SS 44-513 to Contracts of Sickness and Accident Insurance (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 53 Submission of Life and/or Health Forms June 5, 2013
CB 54 Valuation and Policy Loan Interest Rates (Not Printed) June 5, 2013
CB 55 Premium Tax on Annuity Considerations (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 56 Replacement of Life Insurance and Annuities May 12, 2010
CB 57 LB 801 - Insurance Producers Licensing Act (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 58 Aircraft as Qualified Investments January 11, 1994
CB 59 Actuarial Opinions January 11, 1994
CB 60 Quarterly Statement Filings March 16, 2022
CB 61 Proof of Financial Responsibility as a Requirement for Motor Vehicle Registrations (Not Printed) June 3, 2013
CB 62 Credit Life/Credit Accident and Health Insurance for Terms Longer than Ten Years (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 63 Premium Tax January 10, 1994
CB 64 Credit Insurance  April 1, 1986
CB 65 Claims Not Covered Under the Property and Liability Insurance Guaranty Association January 4, 1999
CB 66 Annual and Quarterly Premium Tax Payments January 4, 1999
CB 67 Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool (Not Printed) January 4, 2010
CB 68 New York Franchise Tax June 11, 2013
CB 69 All Title Companies, Agents, and Agencies July 10, 1987
CB 70 Notice on Changes in Medicare Supplement Insurance (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 71 NAIC Annual Statement Diskette Filing Requirement (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 72 LB 92 Changes Impacting Insurance Company (Not Printed) January 4, 1999
CB 73 LB 92 Changes Impacting Insurance Producers (Not Printed) January 4, 1999
CB 74 Notice of 1990 Changes in Medicare Supplement Insurance (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 75 Quarterly Statement Diskette Filing Requirement (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 76 Long-Term Care Insurance Buyer's Guide (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 77 Unfair Trade Practices, Replacements, and Sales Promotion September 25, 1991
CB 78 Physician's Limiting Charge -- Medicare Supplement Insurance January 3, 1992
CB 79 Comparative Negligence Law (LB 88, 1991) (Not Printed) January 10, 1994
CB 80 Financial Examinations (Not Printed) January 4, 1999
CB 81 Worker's Compensation Insurance August 17, 1993
CB 82 Pre-licensure Education and Continuing Education January 21, 2010
CB 83 Credit Life Insurance and Credit Accident and Health Insurance Rates December 23, 2021
CB 84 Compensation to Agents October 7, 2015
CB 85 Assumption Reinsurance -- Notice of Transfer December 20, 1993
CB 86 The Social Security Act Amendments of 1994 January 19, 1995
CB 87 Insurance Fraud (Not Printed) June 7, 2013
CB 88 Agent Commission Contributions (Not Printed) March 27, 2001
CB 89 Capital Gains Consideration in Dividend Determinations of Property and Casualty Insurers March 17, 2022
CB 90 Rate, Rule and Form Filings (Not Printed) October 29, 2009
CB 91 Regulation of Provider Sponsored Organizations  March 25, 1998
CB 92 Joint Credit Disability Insurance October 7, 2015
CB 93 Title Opinions July 24, 1998
CB 94 Interpretation of Chapter 60, Unfair Property and Casualty Settlement Rule October 15, 1998
CB 95 Department of Insurance Procedure Relating to the Federal Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 October 15, 1998
CB 96 Impact of the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act on Exclusionary or Restrictive Policy Provisions January 4, 1999
CB 97 Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act of 1996 and Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 February 22, 2000
CB 98 Actuarial Opinions Filed Pursuant to Chapter 69 (Not Printed) June 10, 2013
CB 99 Implementation of Privacy Regulations Under Gramm-Leach-Bliley (Not Printed) June 3, 2013
CB 100 Licensure Without Examination of Group Credit Property Insurance Agents (Not Printed) June 3, 2013
CB 101 Written Notice of Payment April 20, 2001
CB 102 Defense Within Limits Clauses November 19, 2001
CB 103 Voluntary Expedited Filing Procedures for Exclusions Related to Acts of Terrorism December 27, 2001
CB 104 Terrorism-related Excess Losses Incurred on Policies in the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Assigned Risk Plan May 1, 2002 
CB 105 Annual Statement Filing December 5, 2002
CB 106 Motor Vehicle Service Contracts October 9, 2012
CB 107 Response to Nebraska Medicaid Information Requests Required June 14, 2007
CB 108 Nebraska Health Care Prompt Payment Act July 15, 2005
CB 109 Gap Contracts in Nebraska June 6, 2011
CB 110 Property Insurance Cancellation June 8, 2006
CB 111 Automobile Cancellation And Billing August 23, 2006
CB 112 Flood Insurance Training Requirements and Recommendations for Insurers and Nebraska Resident Insurance Producers September 21, 2006
CB 113 Long-term Care Partnership August 31, 2007
CB 114 Producer Training - Policies Issued Under Qualified State Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership ("Qualified Partnership")  August 31, 2007
CB 115 State and Federal Rebating Enforcement Initiative January 7, 2008
CB 116 Filing Procedures for Compliance with Provisions of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007 January 9, 2008
CB 117 Publication of Bulletins and Notices of the Nebraska Department of Insurance June 18, 2008
CB 118 Issuance of Certificates of Insurance December 7, 2010
CB 119 Required Reporting of Disciplinary Actions Pursuant to the Military Personnel Financial Services Protection Act June 25, 2008
CB 120 Buildings Partnerships with Insurers to Improve the Lives of Children August 18, 2008
CB 121 Nebraska Workers' Compensation Assigned Risk Plan Agreement June 4, 2013
CB 122 Health Insurance Filings Pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act September 15, 2010
CB 123 External Appeals for Insured Plans in Nebraska July 25, 2011
CB 124 Use of On-Board Sensors for Automobile Rating October 1, 2010
CB 125 Use of Retained Asset Accounts March 18, 2011
CB 126 Implementation of Federal Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act in Nebraska June 17, 2011
CB 127 Requirements for Compliance with Privacy Notices December 7, 2011
CB 128 Annuity Training For Producers Engaging in the Sale of Annuity Products October 8, 2021
CB 129 Requirements for a Summary of Benefits and Coverage ("SBC") and a Uniform Glossary of Terms July 20, 2012
CB 130 Filing Guidance for Individual and Small Employer Health and Dental Plans in Nebraska April 20, 2022
CB 131 Title Insurer Onsite Review of Title Agent December 31, 2013
CB 132 Hospital Indemnity or Other Fixed Indemnity Policies November 29, 2016
CB 133 Alternative Filing Requirements for Long-Term Care Premium Rate Increases January 28, 2015
CB 134 Information Security Programs  July 28, 2015
CB 135 Composite Rating for Small Group Markets July 29, 2015
CB 136 Standard Valuation Act Valuation Manual and Effective Date June 15, 2016
CB 137 Surplus Lines Insurance Act Amendments Include Changes to Filing Dates and the Tax Rate for Multistate Filings December 19, 2016
CB 138 Standard Valuation Act Valuation Manual Updates December 3, 2021
CB 139 Appraisal Language in the 1943 Standard Fire Policy of the State of New York  July 9, 2018
CB 140 Closing Protection Letters September 16, 2019
CB 141 Continuing Education Credits for Insurance Producers for Active Participation in a Professional Association July 10, 2018
CB 142 Filing Procedures for Crop-Hail and Crop-Hail Production Plan Rating Systems January 14, 2021
CB 143 Interpretation of "Covered Services" in New Laws About Dental Plans July 22, 2019