Education for Licensees

Nebraska Resident Producer
Continuing Education Requirements


Resident insurance producers must satisfy continuing education requirements prior to being eligible to renew their license. 

The renewal window opens 90 days prior to the licensee's expiration date, but only after all education requirements are fulfilled. 

You cannot renew your license the same day you complete your education. Eligibility begins 24 hours after all CE has been uploaded into our database by the CE Provider, who is allowed 10 days to do so. The Department will not accept any completion certificates from licensees. 

Licensees shall be required to complete the following approved continuing education activities:


Resident Licensees must complete the required continuing educations hours within each two-year renewal period. Twenty-four (24) hours is the maximum number of continuing hours that would be required for ANY license type combination. The requirements are as follows:

Major Lines 
License Types
General Hours Ethics Hours Total CE Hours
(Per 2-Year Period)
Accident & Health or Sickness 21 3 24
Life 21 3 24
Property/Casualty 21 3 24
Personal Lines 21 3 24




Limited Lines 
License Types
General Hours Ethics Hours Total CE Hours
(Per 2-Year Period)
Crop 3 3 6
Funeral 6 3 9
Funeral Director 3 3 6
Title 6 3 9
Viatical Settlements
(No Life License)
12 3 15


Example: A producer with Accident & Health or Sickness combined with Life and Funeral lines would be required to complete a maximum of 24 hours of continuing education per renewal cycle.


*No licensee shall be required to complete more than 24 cumulative hours in any two-year period. 

General Education Type 

The course group required for continuing education can be made of any type of insurance to qualify as "General." Example: If you hold a license for Property/Casualty and Life/Health, you may do all 21 General in Health and still comply. 

Every Licensee shall complete a minimum of 3 hours of Ethics in order to renew their license. If more than 3 hours are taken, it may be applied towards the General hours. 

VIEW MY CE - Education Transcript 

Please allow Continuing Education Providers 10 days after each course is completed to upload the credit electronically onto your Education Transcript. 

View or print your Education Transcript

Repeating a course 

A producer may not repeat a continuing education course for credit within a 2-year renewal period. 

Continuing Education credits 

Continuing Education credits may not be carried over to the next renewal period, if you have taken more than required. 

Continuing Education Course Lookup with Offerings

  • Search courses by various criteria 
  • View detailed course information such as number of credits and course attachments 
  • Access provider information 
  • Find registration links for courses 

Step 1: Go to the Lookup tool 

Step 2: Select jurisdiction and select Course from the Search Type dropdown box, 

Step 3: Enter known information for the course. (Note: All fields are optional; however, entering just the Course Method and Course Group will yield you the best results.)

Step 4: Check the "I agree to the NAIC's Terms and Conditions" and click Search. 

Annuity Suitability "Best Interest" Training Requirements 

Any insurance producer who holds a life insurance line or a limited line funeral insurance license who desires to solicit the sale of annuity products shall complete a one-time four-credit annuity training course approved by the Nebraska Department of Insurance and provided by a Nebraska-approved continuing education provider. 

Any producer who has completed an approved annuity training course prior to July 1, 2021, shall complete either a new four-credit annuity training course or an additional one-time, one-credit training course approved by the Nebraska Department of Insurance and provided by a Nebraska-approved continuing education provider on appropriate sales practices and replacement and disclosure requirements under the Nebraska Protection in Annuity Transactions Act. The new four-credit annuity training course or additional one-time, one-credit training course shall be completed by December 31, 2021. 

To search for approved annuity courses in Nebraska please go to Continuing Education Course Lookup and select "Annuity" as the Course Group. 


Long-Term Care Partnership Training Requirements 

Health licensees who wish to sell, solicit, or negotiate Long-Term Care Insurance are required to complete a one-time 8-hour training course followed by an ongoing 4-hour refresher course during each 24 month period thereafter. IGD - - F3 for further details. View Long-Term Care Partnership for more information. 


Flood Training Requirements

Nebraska Property/Casualty resident licensees must complete a one-time 3-hour course relating to the National Flood Insurance Program in order to sell, solicit or negotiate Flood Insurance. IGD - - F2 for further details. 

Need to Contact us with a Question?
Phone: (402) 471 - 4913
Fax: (402) 471 - 4610