Rules & Regulations and Guidance Document Index

Rules and Regulations


This list includes all of the Department's Rules and Regulations on file with the Secretary of State.

Rules and Regulations that have not yet become effective are at the beginning of the list and have no effective date.


DRAFT COPY - The most recent draft of the Rule and Regulation. This copy will be complete with any strike-through or underlining to identify changes to existing Rules and Regulations. Older Rules and Regulations will not include a draft copy.

FINAL COPY - The final version that was adopted and sent to the Secretary of State for filing. This will not be available until the effective date. This link will take you to the Secretary of State's web site.

EFFECTIVE DATE - The date the Rule and Regulation is effective.

Draft Copy

Final Copy

Effective Date

Chapter 88
Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure
Notice of Adoption
Chapter 88 9/27/2016
Chapter 87
Health Carrier External Review
Notice of Adoption
Chapter 87 12/07/2013

Chapter 86

Notice of Adoption

Repealed 11/22/2022
Chapter 85
Group Health, Dental, Accident, And Life Insurance Under the Intergovernmental Risk Management Act
Notice of Adoption
Repealed 11/22/2022
Chapter 84
Model Regulation Permitting the Recognition of Preferred Mortality Tables for Use in Determining Minimum Reserve Liabilities
Notice of Adoption
Chapter 84 07/11/2009
Chapter 83
Preneed Life Insurance Minimum Standards for Determining Reserve Liabilities and Nonforfeiture Values Model Regulation
Chapter 83 01/01/2009

Chapter 82
Military Sales Practices

Notice of Adoption

Chapter 82 10/04/2020
Chapter 81
Custodial Agreements and the Use of Clearing Corporations
Chapter 81 11/01/2005
Chapter 80
Synthetic Guaranteed Investment Contracts
Ch 80 Notice of Adoption
Chapter 80 05/22/2018
Chapter 79
Recognition of the 2001 CSO Mortality Table for use in Determining Minimum Reserve Liabilities and Nonforfeiture Benefits Model
Chapter 79 01/01/2004
Chapter 78
Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements
Repealed 11/22/2022
Chapter 77
Standards For Safeguarding Customer Information
Chapter 77 10/01/2003
Chapter 76
Viatical Settlements
Notice of Adoption
Chapter 76 5/11/2016
Chapter 75
Applicability of Form Approval Provisions to Multi-State Property and Casualty Policyholders  
Repealed  11/12/2019
Chapter 74
Withdrawal of Subjective Ratings, Plans and Rating Criteria
Repealed 11/12/2019
Chapter 73
Exempt Commercial Policyholders
Chapter 73 04/13/2003
Chapter 72
Life Insurance Illustrations Regulation
Chapter 72 07/01/1997
Chapter 71
Valuation of Life Insurance Policies Regulation
Notice of Adoption
Chapter 71 11/02/2010
Chapter 70 (not issued)
Chapter 69
Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Regulation
Notice of Adoption
Chapter 69 08/07/2010
Chapter 68 (not issued)
Chapter 67
Prelicensing Education Requirements
Repealed 02/11/2019
Chapter 66 (not issued)

Chapter 65 Credit for Reinsurance
Model Regulation

Notice of Adoption

Chapter 65 02/15/2016
Chapter 64 (not issued)
Chapter 63
Financial Examinations
Repealed 06/26/1994
Chapter 62 (not issued)
Chapter 61
Unfair Life, Sickness and Accident Claims Settlement Practices Rule
Chapter 61 06/26/1994
Chapter 60
Unfair Property and Casualty Settlement Practices Rule
Chapter 60 06/26/1994

Chapter 59
Rule Implementing Managing General Agents Act

Notice of Adoption

Chapter 59 10/04/2020
Chapter 58
Motor Vehicle Service Contract Reimbursement Insurance
Notice of Adoption
Chapter 58 10/03/2012
Chapter 57
Life and Health Reinsurance Agreements Regulation
Chapter 57 02/17/2001

Chapter 56

Chapter 56, Annual Audited Financial Reports
Ch 56 Notice of Adoption

Chapter 56 3/7/2009
Chapter 55
Rule to Define Standards and Director's Authority for Companies Deemed to be in Hazardous Financial Condition
Notice of Adoption
Chapter 55 01/01/2011
Chapter 54
Regulation to Implement Transitional Requirements for the Conversion of Medicare Supplement Insurance Benefits and Premiums to Conform to Repeal of Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act
Chapter 54 06/26/1994
Chapter 53
Eligibility Requirements and Selection Criteria for Health Agency Representative to Serve on the Board of Directors for CHIP
Repealed  02/11/2019
Chapter 52
Regulation to Require Reporting of Statistical Data and Market Availability Information by Property and Casualty Insurance Companies
Chapter 52 06/26/1994
Chapter 51 (not issued)
Chapter 50
Rules Concerning the Advertising of Life Insurance and Annuities
Chapter 50 10/01/2008
Chapter 49
Loss Reserve Discounting for Medical Professional Liability Insurance
Repealed 12/24/2000
Chapter 48
Regulation to Implement Transitional Requirements for the Conversion of Medicare Supplement Insurance Benefits and Premiums to Conform to Medicare Program Revisions



Chapter 47
Group Self-Insurance Rule Implementing The Intergovernmental Risk Management Act
Notice of Adoption 2, 13, 21, 23, 25, 78, 85 and 86 and revision 47
Chapter 47 11/22/2022
Chapter 46
LongTerm Care Insurance
Chapter 46 10/01/2000
Chapter 45
After Market Parts Regulation
Chapter 45 06/26/1994
Chapter 44
Scope Of Coverage To Be Offered By The Nebraska Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool
Notice of Adoption
Chapter 44 12/31/2012

Chapter 43

 Eligibility Requirements and Selection Criteria for Public Representative to Serve on the Boards of Directors for the Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool

Repealed 01/28/2001
Chapter 42
Rule for Recognizing Mortality Tables for Use in Determining Reserve Liabilities for Annuities
Notice of Adoption
Chapter 42 12/27/2014
Chapter 41
Crop-Hail Rate Filings
Repealed 03/20/2006
Chapter 40
Universal Life Insurance
Chapter 40 10/01/2008
Chapter 39
Model Group Coordination of Benefits Regulation
Notice of Adoption
Chapter 39 11/09/2016
Chapter 38
Continuing Education of Insurance Producers and Consultants
Chapter 38 05/04/2009
Chapter 37
Rules for the Determination of Overdue Premiums Other than Life Insurance Premiums
Repealed 12/24/2000
Chapter 36
Regulation to Implement the Medicare Supplement Insurance Minimum Standards DRAFT
Notice of Adoption
Chapter 36 11/18/2018
Chapter 35
Unfair Discrimination on the Basis of Blindness or Partial Blindness
Chapter 35 06/26/1994
Chapter 34
Title Insurance
Chapter 34 04/03/2005
Chapter 33
Life Insurance Solicitation
Chapter 33 10/01/2008
Chapter 32
Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act Excess Liability Fund Residual Malpractice Insurance Authority
Chapter 32 06/26/1994
Chapter 31
Exchange Traded Call Options
Repealed 01/28/1997
Chapter 30
Credit Life and Credit Accident and Health Insurance Compensation to Agents
Repealed 06/24/1994
Chapter 29 (not issued)
Chapter 28
Unfair Sex Discrimination
Chapter 28 06/26/1994
Chapter 27
Salvage and Subrogation
Repealed 06/17/1993
Chapter 26
Department Administration, Practice and Procedure
Chapter 26 06/26/1994
Chapter 25
Taxation; Foreign Life Or Accident Insurance Companies; Allocation of Premiums Received from Group Policies to Insured's Domiciliary State; Interpretation of Section 77-908
Repealed 11/22/2022
Chapter 24
Holding Companies
Notice of Adoption
Chapter 24 01/21/2013
Chapter 23   
Credit Transactions; Coercing Insurance; Unfair Trade Practice; Instructions; Penalties
Repealed 11/22/2022
Chapter 22
Credit Life, Accident and Health Insurance
Chapter 22 06/26/1994
Chapter 21
Unfair Trade Practice Complaint Register
Repealed 11/22/2022
Chapter 20
Unfair Claims Settlement Practices
Repealed 07/27/1992
Chapter 19
Replacement of Life Insurance and Annuities
Chapter 19 10/01/2008
Chapter 18
Mass Marketing of Property and Casualty Insurance
Repealed 05/09/2004
Chapter 17
Marine and Inland Marine Insurance Undervauting Regulations
Chapter 17 05/09/2004
Chapter 16
Personal Lines Fire and Casualty Rate Filings; Interpretation of "Effective Date" of Rate Revisions
Repealed 04/12/2008
Chapter 15
Variable Life Insurance Contracts
Chapter 15 06/26/1994
Chapter 14
Advertisements of Accident and Sickness Insurance
Chapter 14 06/26/1994
Chapter 13
Accident and Health Policy Experience Exhibit
Repealed 11/22/2022

Chapter 12

Insurance Consultants Licenses

Repealed 02/11/2019
Chapter 11
Resident Agents' Licenses
Repealed 05/07/1990
Chapter 10
Unincorporated Mutual Associations
Notice of Adoption
Chapter 10 08/04/2012
Chapter 09
Proxies, Consents and Authorization of Domestic Stock Insurers
Chapter 9 06/26/1994
Chapter 08
Reports of Directors, Officers and Principal Stockholders
Repealed 11/12/2019
Chapter 07
Investments: Exchange of admitted Assets; Valuations; Application of Regulation: Examination
Repealed 01/28/1997
Chapter 06
Deposit of Securities; Definitions; Authorized Depositories; Manner of Depositing and Withdrawing Securities; Insurance
Chapter 6 06/26/1994
Chapter 05
Surplus Notes; Application to Director; Contents; Expiration of Approval
Repealed 02/11/2019
Chapter 04
Retirement Plans: Approval of Department; General Requirements
Repealed 11/12/2019
Chapter 03
Capital Stock Insurance Companies; Issue and Sale of Stock; Requirements; Agents
Repealed 02/11/2019
Chapter 02
Rule on Actuarial QualificationsRe
Repealed 11/22/2022
Chapter 01
Nonadmitted Companies; Agents; Licenses; Bond; Prescribed Forms
Repealed 09/05/2005