Navigating - Webinar

Event Date: 
Wednesday, December 21, 2022 - 6:00pm

This is a webinar class provided in partnership with Southeast Community College. Participants will join the class using their computer or device. 

NOTE: The time shown above is Central Standard Time. Class will begin at 5 pm Mountain Standard Time in applicable locations. 


Event Details: 

Medicare drug coverage is confusing. Each year Medicare drug plans can make changes to the cost and coverage you can receive. Knowing how to pick the right plan to meet your needs is important to ensure you get the best coverage at the lowest cost. Navigating will arm you with the knowledge to navigate Medicare's plan finder tool to make an informed decision. Navigating will provide you a step by step guide to using to address these questions:

- How much will my prescriptions cost?

- Which Medicare drug plan will cover my prescriptions? 

- Where can I get the best prices for my prescriptions? 

You are invited to attend Navigating to learn the answers to these questions and view a demonstration of how to use the plan finder tool on Navigating is provided by Nebraska SHIP a member of the national SHIP network and a division of the Nebraska Department of Insurance. 

Click here to register.