Notice of Adoption - Chapter 88, Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Chapter 88 of the Insurance Department Rules and Regulations has now been filed with the Secretary of State for adoption on September 22, 20 16 with an effective date of September 27, 2016.

Chapter 88 entitled, "Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure" is a new regulation  adopted  to  implement the Corporate Governance Annual  Disclosure Act passed by the Nebraska  legislature in 20 16. The regulation  establishes procedures for filing and  the required  contents of the Corporate Governance Annual  Disclosure, which  is an annual  filing now required of insurers and insurance groups.  The Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure Act and this regulation are based on models promulgated by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.

Copies of Chapter 88 are available for public examination at the Department of Insurance, 941 "O" Street, Suite 400, Lincoln, N E 68508, as well as the Office of the Secretary of State, State Capitol Building, Room 343, Lincoln, N E 68509, the Secretary of State's website at and through the Department of Insurance’s website at Any questions concerning Chapter 88 should be directed to Matthew Holman.

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